Why is the Rainforest in danger?
Logging is the main threat to the Congo rainforest. Logging is cutting down trees. Big companies and local people are logging. The reason they are logging is because they are cutting down trees to make objects, cutting down trees to plant other resources such as crops and finally to cut down trees to build houses. Logging is a problem as the trees are the homes of animals and also the traditional people who live in the rainforest lose their homes. Trees provide oxygen and cutting down trees reduces the amount of oxygen which is important to help the World breath. Another risk is global warming. Which means that everything will get drier and the trees will shrivel and lots of animals, birds and the amazing things in the rainforest might not survive in the heat. The Rainforest Trust are a charity that prevent logging in the Congo and to stop poaching and save species. Another charity we found is called Save Congo Rainforest . It is a actually run by young people who really want to stop...